At the end of April, Boluda received in Le Havre its last two tugboats of a series of twelve identical, ordered from Piriou Vietnam. A delicate operation successfully carried out thanks to the quality of the port tool and the expertise of the players.

Opening speech of the new silo
« Monsieur le sous-préfet, Madame la Présidente du Grand Port Maritime du Havre, Monsieur le Président d’Haropa, Monsieur le représentant de la ville du Havre, Mesdames, Messieurs, Notre groupe est né en 1903 avec la création de la Navale Caennaise. Après la cession de celle-ci en 1988, il s’est redéployé dans deux secteurs de la logistique :

SUCRE OCEANE and HAROPA PORT OF LE HAVRE inaugurate a new sugar silo
This October 31th, 2017, SUCRE OCEANE and HAROPA – Port of Le Havre inaugurate a new sugar silo. This awaited event, which takes place a few days after the end of European quotas restrictions on the export of beet sugar, marks a crucial stage for the development of the sector in Le Havre.

De gros investissements pour Sucre Océane – Le Journal de la Marine Marchande
Sucre Océane est une société spécialisée dans la logistique du sucre en vrac au Havre. L’entreprise vient d’investir près de 12,5 M€ avec pour objectif d’augmenter la capacité de son terminal sucrier.

Sucre Océane invests in Le Havre – Le Havre Développement
The company specializing in bulk sugar logistics invests € 12.5 million in Le Havre. Objective: increase the capacity of its sugar terminal, on the eve of the end of the European sugar quotas scheduled for 1 October.

The terminal of good practices – Le Havre Presse
All industry players “ro-ro” in Le Havre will soon have a common guide for handling vehicles.

Logistics of sugar : SENALIA, SHGT and ECORAIL put their forces together
SENALIA and SHGT created a joint venture SOGELIA. The latter joined with ECORAIL and entered the capital of the CICAL society.

Frederic Cuvillier sponsors the operation « Franprix takes to the Seine »
« The operation « Franprix takes to the Seine » was unveiled in March, was finally inaugurated on Monday 1 October 2012 in Paris in presence of the Minister for Transport, Frédéric Cuvillier, and several local politicians. It is an innovative logistics solution that combines inland waterways and road, the first in the food retail…