Logistics of sugar : SENALIA, SHGT and ECORAIL put their forces together
SENALIA and SHGT created a joint venture SOGELIA. The latter joined with ECORAIL and entered the capital of the CICAL society.
CICAL is a key player in sugar logistics in France. This company operates the sugar silos located in the Boulou freight station near the Spanish border. It organises “end to end” transport of sugar on behalf of its clients, who deliver to food manufacturers and chemists located in Catalonia.
Along with ECORAIL, CICAL organises the transfer of sugar from sugar refineries in trains. CICAL manages the reception and storage of sugar in its silos in Le Boulou, and the shipment by trucks to Spain.
In 2013 CICAL handled 85,000 tons of sugar for export. The company is certified in the HACCP and the ISO 22000.
When asked about the reasons for the acquisition, Laurent Martel, the president of SOGELIA replied : « This reinforces the network of exports of shareholders of SOGELIA. Present in Le Havre through SHGT, in Rouen through SENALIA and now in Perpignan through SOGELIA, the partners intend to play a leading role in sugar export logistics, which are expected to increase in post quota period from 2017. »
SENALIA, provides handling and storage services of grain, sugar, cocoa and fertilizers and develops its activities on the sites of Rouen, Grand-Couronne, Lillebonne and Chartres.
SHGT, a subsidiary of SOFRINO SOGENA GROUP, operates bulk, roro and sugar terminals in Le Havre, and also container platforms in Île-de-France.
ECORAIL, a subsidiary of SNCF Geodis Group, is the leading freight forwarder for bulk proposing rail, inland waterways and multimodal logistics solutions.